With sunny skies and high temperatures, bathroom heating may well be the last thing on your mind this summer. And yet, there's no better time than now to consider installing underfloor heating in this space.
Many of us remember well the freezing temperatures and ongoing hikes in energy costs we encountered last winter. So, more homeowners are looking to avoid a repeat performance of this as we look to prep our homes for the forthcoming winter months. 
And, as the temperamental UK weather continues to dominate the headlines, with last month the sixth wettest July on record, though it may seem warm now, we’re all aware of how quickly things change! Yet, if you have underfloor heating installed and set up, you're ahead of the demand once winter does hit.
Here The Bathroom Showroom turns the spotlight on bathroom flooring. Helping you get prepared for the coming winter months, we help you create a comfortable bathroom space that everyone can enjoy for many years to come. 

Why Installing Underfloor Heating in Summer Is a Good Idea

The warmer summer months are perhaps the best time to look into and indeed consider installing underfloor heating in the bathroom for several reasons. 
Installing underfloor heating now allows you to get ahead of the demand. When winter bites, customer demand for underfloor heating understandably increases. Not only does this mean an increase in demand for the stock, but also in reputable qualified installers.
If you're like the many homeowners considering a bathroom remodelling project during the warmer weather, underfloor heating installed at this stage can provide more in the way of aesthetic freedom in this space. Eliminating the need for unsightly radiators or heaters, you’ll find more design freedom with this heating solution. Underfloor heating is a smart investment that adds value to your property and makes it more desirable in the real estate market.
Finally, with energy-saving capabilities, underfloor heating not only reduces your carbon footprint but also lowers your energy bills. As winter approaches, now is the perfect time to consider this luxurious and efficient heating solution for your home. Underfloor heating offers a consistent and comfortable warmth throughout the entire space, helping you transform the way you experience winter.

The Benefits of Underfloor Heating

Underfloor heating comes with many benefits, making it an attractive choice for homeowners. 
  • Provides a consistent and even distribution of heat throughout the entire space, eliminating cold spots and ensuring maximum comfort. Unlike traditional heating systems, which rely on convection to warm the air, underfloor heating radiates heat from the floor upwards promoting a gentle and enveloping warmth. This not only feels more comfortable but also reduces the risk of dust and allergens circulating in the air, offering a healthier option for those with respiratory issues. 
  • Allows for more design freedom as it eliminates the need for radiators or heaters. This gives you more wall space to play with as you create a cleaner and more streamlined aesthetic in your home, adding stylistic features like heated towel rails.
  • Is energy efficient. Because underfloor heating operates at a lower temperature than traditional heating systems, it requires less energy to achieve the same level of warmth. This means lower energy bills for you and a reduced carbon footprint for the planet. Easily controllable, not only is energy efficiency increased but so too is the overall comfort and convenience of your living space.
  • Adds value to your property. With more homebuyers looking for energy-efficient and luxurious features, having underfloor heating installed can give your home a competitive edge in the real estate market. As a modern and desirable feature that will make your property stand out from the rest, underfloor heating can increase its value and appeal to potential buyers.

Different Types of Underfloor Heating Systems

There are two main types of underfloor heating systems, including electric and water-based.
Electric underfloor heating uses heating cables or mats installed beneath the floor and connected to the electricity supply. This type of system is ideal for smaller areas or retrofitting into existing spaces, as it’s relatively easy to install and doesn’t require any major changes to the existing heating infrastructure. Electric underfloor heating is quick to heat up and promotes precise temperature control, making it a popular choice for the bathroom where warmth and comfort are essential.
Water-based underfloor heating, also known as hydronic heating, uses a network of pipes installed beneath the floor to circulate hot water. This type of system is typically connected to a central heating boiler, which heats the water to the desired temperature. Water-based underfloor heating is commonly used in larger areas or new construction projects, as it requires more planning and installation work. Yet, it offers greater energy efficiency and can be more cost-effective in the long run, especially if your home already has a central heating system in place.

How Underfloor Heating Works

Underfloor heating works by radiating heat from the floor upwards, creating a gentle warmth in your living space. In electric underfloor heating systems, the electric underfloor heating mats or cables are connected to the electricity supply and generate heat when an electrical current passes through them. This heat is then transferred to the floor, which acts as a large radiant surface, emitting warmth into the room.
In water-based underfloor heating systems, hot water is circulated through a network of pipes installed beneath the floor. The water is heated in a central heating boiler and then pumped through the pipes, releasing heat into the floor. The floor then radiates this heat into the room, creating a comfortable and cosy environment.
Both types of heating systems can be controlled using an underfloor heating thermostat, allowing you to easily adjust the temperature and schedule heating according to your needs. This level of control ensures maximum comfort and energy efficiency, as you can heat your bathroom only when needed.

What to Consider Before Installing Underfloor Heating

Before installing underfloor heating in your bathroom, there are several factors to consider to ensure the system is suitable and meets your specific needs. One of the main considerations is the type of bathroom flooring you have or plan to install.
While underfloor heating can be used with various flooring materials such as tiles, stone, laminate, and engineered wood, some floor coverings may not be compatible due to their insulation properties. For example, thick carpets or solid wood flooring may prevent heat from properly radiating into the room, reducing the effectiveness of the system. So, it’s a good idea to consult a professional installer to determine the best flooring options for your underfloor heating system.
Another factor to consider is the insulation of your home. Proper insulation is essential to prevent heat loss and maximise the efficiency of your underfloor heating system. If your home is poorly insulated, you may need to invest in additional insulation measures, such as wall or roof insulation. This will ensure the heat generated by the underfloor heating system stays within your living space.
Additionally, it's important to evaluate the existing heating infrastructure in your home. If you already have a central heating system, water-based underfloor heating may be a more suitable option, as it can be easily integrated into the existing system. However, if you're retrofitting underfloor heating into an existing space without a central heating system, electric underfloor heating may be a more practical choice.
Lastly, budget and installation time should also be taken into consideration. The cost of underfloor heating can vary greatly. Factors here will depend on the size of the bathroom to be heated, the type of system chosen, and the complexity of the installation. Whether you choose to install the system itself or utilise the services of an expert will also need factoring in here. 

Maintenance and Care of Underfloor Heating

Underfloor heating requires minimal maintenance once installed. Yet, there are a few simple steps you can take to ensure the system continues to perform optimally and to prolong its lifespan.
Keep the floor covering clean and free from any debris that could inhibit the transfer of heat. Regular vacuuming or sweeping can help prevent dust or dirt from accumulating on the surface of the floor covering.
Avoid placing heavy furniture or objects directly on top of the underfloor heating system. This can restrict the flow of heat and potentially cause damage to the pipes or cables. If you need to move furniture, it's best to lift it rather than drag it across the floor.
Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the use of cleaning products on the floor covering. Some cleaning agents may contain chemicals that can damage the floor or affect the performance of the underfloor heating system. It's best to use mild and non-abrasive cleaning products that are suitable for the specific type of floor covering.
Consider having your underfloor heating system serviced regularly by a professional. They can check for any potential issues or leaks, ensure the system is functioning correctly, and make any necessary adjustments or repairs. Regular servicing could help prevent costly repairs in the future and ensure the longevity of your underfloor heating system.

Embrace the Warmth of Bathroom Underfloor Heating This Winter

With proper maintenance and care, a reputable underfloor heating system will provide years of warmth and comfort for all users. So, get ahead of the curve and say goodbye to cold floors and hello to the ultimate in comfort and style with bathroom underfloor heating. By embracing this superb solution now, you can transform the way you experience winter in your home.
If you’re considering installing underfloor heating this year, book an appointment with The Bathroom Showroom. As proud stockists of the top-quality brand, ProWarm, we can help turn your dream bathroom into a reality.